The first ultrasound photo at 9 weeks

Our little "gummy bear" according to my sister Sarah. We affectionately called it "Cyte" short for blastocyte or parasite :-) I was very relieved to know that it was only 1.
Then, last Wednesday, we went in for the big ultrasound where they do all of the measuring and finding out the gender. Of course we wanted to find out! But what we are most happy about is that little cyte is healthy and all is developing on schedule.
The profile pic (much more adorable than the front face pic where it looks like I have Skeletor in my stomach)
And, it is looking like (as there is always a little uncertainty with this), most signs are indicating that we are having a GIRL!!!
She should arrive sometime in the beginning of January. According to the ultrasound measurements, the due date is 12/2/2011 but our OB/GYN thinks that she will come on the original due date of 12/8/2011. Thus, she is around 20 weeks (or 21 ish) depending on which date you use
We are very excited and William is a little nervous, though starting to adjust, to the thought of having a girl. As he comes from a family of all boys and we only have nephews, he is more unsure about how to handle a girl- especially during the teenage drama years. I think that he will be fine. Many more updates to come on all that we have been up to now that I finally have some free time :-)
Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you two. I can't wait to see more updates :) Hope all is well with you two.
what incredible news!!! congrats you two!
I am more shocked you changed wards! That is what happens when you go on vacation! Where are you? Email me and let me know!
WOW! Congratulations!! Such great news. I'm so happy for you both. I've missed your blogs but this makes up for it all.
Wahooo!!!! I'm soooo excited for you guys! We need to catch up! This little girl is bound to be super adorable...and how lucky she is to have you guys for parents. =)
Congratulations!!!! We are so excited for you! You and William will be great parents! Yay!
AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaH! I'm SO excited for you guys!!! And tell William no worries. I've heard little boys are fun but it's the little girls that really make you a dad. Not really sure what that means but Brent swears it's true.
Hope you're feeling well :)
I am so very excited for you both!!! You'll make excellent parents. And while we've enjoyed many wonderful times and meals together, none will be better than the first dish of mashed whatever you give that little munchkin.
congrats, cheryl!! that is awesome!!
Wonderful! So excited for you Cheryl, congrats!
Woohoo! Congrats Cheryl and William! I have been eagerly awaiting this post to see what you were having. PINK!
So happy for you! Girls (if it really is a girl) are a lot of fun with lots of drama!
great news!! keep us posted on your busy life.. miss you!
Congratulations! Little girls are very special and William will love her to pieces. You, of course, will too.
Congratulations! Little girls are the best! Thank you for sharing the news.
Congratulations, congratulations, and congratulations. I am so amazingly excited for you. Parenting is one of the two hardest things I have ever done, but it is truly my favorite thing in the world. And the Skeletor picture is indeed a bit scary. We have one of Emma. :)
Oh Cheryl! Im so excited for you both. Congrats! Little girls are so much fun. I cant wait to hear more!
OH!!! My darling little Cher Bear.
I am so happy for you and William both. I think about you often and am excited for your new adventure.
so happy for you! congrats!
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