Thursday, August 30, 2007

Art in NYC

What is "art"? This is a question that I continually grapple with and my definition is evolving. At times it is as broad as "something that conveys meaning and evokes feelings in a medium different than written word". Obviously, what is considered to be "art" is something that is ever changing and can depend upon the group it is targeting. Such as what is "art" may be very different to a museum curator than to, for instance, a plumber. Case in point. Here is a work of art that is on display at the Tate Modern Museum of London- Marcel Duchamp's "The Fountain".

To a plumber, this is just a urinal. But to many art curators, this is a piece of art- look, he even signed his name so it must be art work :-) Anyways, my point with this is that my definition of what I consider to be "art" is ever-changing and there are times when "i just don't get that statement that is trying to be made". I did enjoy this painting about painting and then this other piece about "you invest in the divinity of the masterpiece"

My lengthy description is to preface some of the amazing pieces that I consider to be art that I saw on my trip to New York City.

Museum of Modern Art

I have been to the older museum, but this was my first time to the new museum and I was delighted it was literally across the street from my sociology conferences. What great planning! The building itself is quite nice, and has some lovely views of the city.

And the art was great too ;-) The nice thing about this museum is that they let you take pictures without flash so I have included a couple of the ones that I really liked but don't worry- I bought the guidebook that has 350 more of them but will spare you those :-)

One of my favorites "The Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh- I saw this piece before at a Van Gogh/Gaugain exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago. It is still so breathtaking to see it again- his brush strokes evoke such feeling and emotion. If you couldn't tell, Van Gogh is my favorite artist.

I also enjoy Claude Monet. Here is his monumental work "Water Lillies", and it truly is a sight to behold

Pablo Picasso "Girl Before a Mirror"

Andy Warhol "Campbell Soup Cans"

And my new discovery- but I can't find where I wrote down who the artist is . . . I'll update when I find it :-)

After examining some of these "great" works of art, later that evening, I went out to Times Square where I watched the process of art being made. Spray Paint Art. I am truly fascinated by this process- how an artist can take everyday items like newspaper, pie tins, paper, and spray paint to come up with these incredible paintings in just a few minutes. I watched him make these three- and could have done more had it not been late at night.

And this is how I am an "appreciator" of art, at least in NYC.

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