Monday, August 20, 2007

Our Ice Cream Maker

As one of our wedding gifts (thank-you Diana and Melissa!) we received the Cuisinart frozen yogurt, ice cream and sorbet maker. If any of you know me, you know that I LOVE ice cream! It is my most favorite food of all time.

Which brings me to recall back to the Scooper Bowl this year- the annual ice cream festival annually held in Boston to raise money for the Jimmy Fund for cancer research. They have over 50 flavors of ice cream from the best in the business- Cold Stone, Ben and Jerry's, Haagen Daas, Brighams, Edy's, Hood, and many others. It is hea-ven! I took my husband and his parents to it and it was just incredible- I was so happy I was able to do it before leaving. I put out quite a great showing- so much so that one little girl looked at me with all of my empty cups in awe and said "Mommy, I want to do that!". I totally beat my husband though- and here's the proof.

Anyways, given just how much I love ice cream, I have become delighted by the interest William has taken in it. So far, we have made 4 batches.
1. Fresh Strawberry- a complete disaster- it didn't freeze, and when we put it into the freezer, the strawberries became rock hard, nearly chipping our teeth
2. Vanilla- this one was important since we used it to feed the missionaries. And it set up- not the best one, but much better than our previous attempt.
- it is at this point that William has taken an active interest in creating new concoctions. Both of these are his- and I go along since I love ice cream (and they seem within reason)
3. Hershey's Syrup Strawberry- much better- had pink color and a hint of strawberry taste. I think that this has had the best consistency so far
4. Fresca- added fresca (yes, the beverage) to the vanilla base and provided barely a hint of citrus and tasted good when freshly made, but when put in freezer, developed little ice chunks.

Thus, as you can see, we have only tried the ice cream- none of the other types. What kind should we try or invent next?

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