Wednesday, September 26, 2007

NEVER a dull moment

WITH MELBA!!!!! So, I just spend the morning with my dear friend Melba (check out her blog!) who I knew from Boston and is now living in Provo. She fortunately was up in the area near my house and spent the afternoon with me where we had great conversation and great laughter over many things.

First, this news article that I found. It is truly BIZZARE- but you know it has to be real because it is just too weird to be made up. A guy bought a bbq smoker at an auction and when he got it home, opened it up to find a HUMAN LEG in it!!!! And the owner wants it back- he had it amputated and for "religious purposes" kept it in the smoker. Here is the story about it- the written piece is better than the video-

We had a great laugh over that one. We also went to one of my absolute favorites- Cafe Rio- for lunch. I just LOVE their veggie salad and tortilla (which I always eat first- its the best part!) with half creamy half cilantro dressing (either one is too much but it is the PERFECT combo)and it was even better with such great company. Melba is one of those friends that it doesn't matter how long it has been since you have seen them, things are just as good as they ever were. I'm lucky to have such a sweet and fun lawyer friend :-) Who will soon be a bailiff (in order to get a great clerkship).

And that wasn't the end- on the drive home we were behind this unique road work truck- see the attached seat off to the left. Here are guy sits and picks up the orange cones from along the middle of the street. It was so unique and entertaining to watch since we had never seen anything like it. Here's a question for you- would you rather be the driver or the guy in the seat?
Our hands down response it to be the driver because it is way too hazardous to be in that chair- a huge truck could come by on the other side and smack you with its side mirror! Truly a scenario that should be on Saturday Night Live. And GREAT times like this always happen with my friend Melba making the time spent with her always a true pleasure and never boring!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cheryl! You and Melba both look great. I found you through her blog, who I found through Jacosa's blog, and I'm so glad that all my old Boston friends are getting into the blogging thing! I blogged while I was in Boston to keep in touch with Chicago and Provo friends, but now that I'm in Seattle I have to get those Boston friends back in the blogging fold. :)

    My blog's at (ignore the link from my name--I think there's a blog there but I've never used it). If you have an LJ login I can friend you and you can see friend-protected entries, too (there are a lot of them, because since I blog professionally too ( I try to avoid too many people seeing too many things if they happen upon the private one).

    I've bookmarked you, and now I'll be able to keep up beyond the occasional mass email!
