10 years ago:
I was 17 and lived in Salt Lake City with my familyFive things on my to-do list today:
1. Go on a walk
2. Shower
3. Work on coding for dissertation
4. Blog
5. Scriptures
I Enjoy:
having all kinds of cultural adventures, especially broadway musicals, ballet, symphony, and the Red Sox (I'm so sad I'm clear across the country), traveling, reading, eating ice cream, going out to eat, spending time with my husband, family, and friends, teaching Sunday School with my husband
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire:
Pay off the business school debt (Harvard ain't cheap), TRAVEL!!!!!! And then travel some more. Live in LONDON
Three of my bad habits:
1. Not patient
2. Can find other things to do BESIDES my dissertation
3. Eating Sweets
Five places I have lived:
1. Salt Lake City, UT
2. Madrid, Spain
3. London, England
4. Boston MA
5. San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Five jobs that I have had:
1. Baby-sitter
2. Teaching Assistant (multiple times)
3. Research Assistant (multiple times)
4. Instructor of own course (Once)
5. Doctoral Candidate (I got paid to go to school and ta)
Five things people don't know about me:
1. My biggest pet peeve is the unattended shopping carts left in the parking lot- it really only takes 10 additional seconds to take it to the little cart holder.
2. I HATE canned green beans- I had a bad experience when I was a kid and the smell/taste still get to me. But, I do like fresh ones.
3. I love school- this is the first time since kindergarten that I haven't been "back to school"
4. I love to watch sports- football, basketball, baseball (Red Sox of course)
5. This is the most sleep per night I have ever gotten in my life since I don't have to get up super early for school! And, I have been sick for the past month.
I hope you enjoyed getting to know a few more random facts about me
Well,,,I dont like thous either,,but I am happy you did answer:). I realy enjoy reeding your and William blog! Miss you!