Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Belated Birthday Celebration!

Several of us from the Los Altos ward went out to dinner at Chili's to celebrate the belated birthday's of beloved Rachel McPhie and Becky Bundy! Their birthdays were actually last month but my motto is better late than never! Many thanks to Celeste for organizing and coordinating everything.

Before the dinner though, Rachel and I had an adventure to finish. For our big thanksgiving day dinner, we had borrowed a long table from the church. Yeah, its taken this long to get it back- but again, better late than never! Anyways, it wasn't big enough to fully fit in my car- there was a slight bit hanging out. Thus, the trunk didn't close fully. Scott was kind enough to bungee the table inside my car so that it wouldn't fall out and then Rachel drove behind me while I had my hazards on. Our apartment complex has these nasty speed bumps and that was the worst part of the entire trip. On the very first speed bump, my trunk flies open and stays stuck! At least it was still in the parking lot so I could go out and fix it. Then, things were fine up until turning onto El Camino. The light was red and there was a protected left turn and so I thought it was ok to go and we barely made it before the oncoming traffic. The only problem is that with my hazards on, the turn signals don't work. So Rachel was so smart and she would change lanes first so that I could go in front of her and make it in the left lane to turn to go to the church. It was quite an adventure, but we did it without any major mishaps. Many thanks to Rachel for helping me get the table back before her birthday party. Sorry to have made you a bit late!

Anyways, it was a great evening of conversation. Rachel tried to have everyone go around and say their name and something interesting about them, but we really only got through her because she had the best story. She gave us the complete run down of how she was on the Price is Right and WON the showcase showdown! And she even got to kiss the way-too-heavily made up Bob Barker (hey, I would have too if I won a MUSTANG convertible!) And this is the best inspirational story- she eventually sold the mustang to have enough money to serve a mission in Greece! Way to set the example Rach! And here is our Mormon-Ad poster child! (and beautiful birthday girl!)

And here is the other beautiful birthday girl, Becky.
Here is the rest of our party- I apologize for my horrible picture taking skills in that there were a few people who didn't quite make it in the photo (well, we can at least see the eyes of Nicole- she really has a whole face and trust me, it is model gorgeous)

Another interesting dinner conversation was had by Amy, who had to leave early. She said that her husband, who is an MD now in his residency, is actually BUILDING their house. Yes, he is the general contractor. And this is the best part- they actually own a back hoe and dump truck! In his break in between med school and residency, he actually dug out the entire foundation of the house! I think that this man never sleeps! I have to applaud Amy for being the most patient woman in the world. Her response was that she has gotten to design the house exactly how she wants it- with two laundry rooms even ;-)

I think though that the overall theme of this dinner was that we need to do more of them! And possibly a girly movie night. Oh, and we now need to for sure get together again with Rach to see the Price of Right episode she was in- especially to see her facial expressions. And can I just tell you that I would go out to eat ANYTIME with these ladies because it is only of the few times I can remember when EVERYONE paid their fair share! Normally with big groups, you end up short and everyone has to give money, or one person ends up paying much more, but not with these savvy women. I think that we need to start planning our next adventure together . . . .

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