Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Don't Hate Me . . . .

But I wasn't a fan of Twilight by Stephanie Meyers. I know that this will definitely upset many of my dear friends- who will forever be my dear friends- but I just had to say that I didn't like this book. I'm actually quite disappointed- I really WANTED to like the book. The premise of vampires has a great intrigue to it, but it didn't hook me. I read the whole book and then the first few chapters of New Moon and that showed me that I probably still wouldn't like the other books. What I didn't like about them is actually the love story. I am a SAPPY, HOPELESS romantic, yet, their story just didn't relate to me as actual love. It reminded me of Romeo and Juliet, a story that I never liked because I felt that the characters did not exhibit my definition of what LOVE is. So, that's why I didn't relate to this story. I felt that Bella didn't really understand what love is- she kept asking Edward to make her into a vampire so that she could be with him forever (and that was annoying me how often she asked about it) yet she failed to look at the whole picture and acknowledge what he wanted for her. I think that this is probably because she is 17 and is her first time being in love, but I feel that even Edward didn't really love her since he was going to commit suicide if she died. To me, and I know that there are MANY different types of love and definitions of love, real romantic love is a selfless desire to make the other person happy. I felt that Bella was being selfish in that she was trying to get what she wanted, rather than really thinking what would make him happy. And, while life would have been difficult if Bella had died, Edward should have gone on living because that is what she would have wanted him to do- to continue to be happy. I feel the same is true with Romeo and Juliet- if they just would have gone on living, they both would have been alive in the end. So, there is my "in-depth" analysis of why I didn't care for the book. That, and I feel that the romantic dialog was SUPER cheesy- just too over the top for me. I felt that I related better to the characters in the Harry Potter series, but that's just my opinion :-)

Please don't hate me for this- I can understand why so many people like this series, but I just didn't relate to it. Just difference of opinion. And I do appreciate the recommendations (I received SO MANY about this book) and keep 'em coming!


  1. That's it Cheryl! Our friendship is on the rocks!

  2. Just kidding. You know I love you, babe! You just have to realize that the book is written for a younger audience who also don't know what love is.

  3. Cheryl, we couldn't hate you! Actually, I have some of the same problems with the books. Bella's constant insecurity in book one drove me crazy -- she never felt like she could tell Edward what she was really thinking. That does improve as the series progresses. I think Brekke's right, though, we have to remember that Bella's only 17 and the book was written for that audience.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: in spite of all that, I still found the books strangely absorbing! Just ask my neglected kids and husband... :)

  4. I know- I have to remember that it is for a younger audience. But, I just have such a high standard now from Harry Potter- I think that I need to not expect as much and then I can evaluate from there
