Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Traditions

In the previous post, I mentioned one of my favorite Easter traditions from growing up, but here are some more of them and a few other random memories that .
  • Every year, the Easter Bunny would hide our Easter baskets full of delicious treats like chocolate bunnies, peeps, and sometimes little knick-nacks like a doll, bubbles, or a sticker book. We had to go run around and find our basket and we weren't allowed to touch another persons. We couldn't move our basket until everyone was awake and mom had the video camera on. Last year, I made William a special Easter basket when we were engaged full of all of his favorite treats. Unfortunately, that we didn't do the Easter basket thing this year- mostly because we don't have a real basket. But we will probably continue this tradition in years to come
  • Most years, we would get an Easter dress that we could only wear for the first time on Easter. I am still amazed to this day that my mom was able to find MATCHING dresses for all 3 of us (even with a 5 year age gap) up until I was about 12. Then, individuality overruled, Lets compare these 2 different Kiddie Kandids photo of us in our Easter dresses taken every year. Here we are with all matching dresses and curled hair
    Here's us a few years older, when I was 12- notice that we have similar "themed" dresses going on- all white in nature, but each is different- Sarah has one with blue stripes on it. Individuality takes over. And has every year since then. I had a partial new outfit that I wore today- a new skirt and some black high heels that I just LOVE. The color scheme for the outfit is somewhat non-traditional, breaking away from the pastels to black and gray. I figured that I was still maintaining the tradition since I was wearing something new
  • We always had ham for Easter at my grandmother's house along with her funeral potatoes and her homemade cinnamon/raisin/nut rolls. I'm happy to thank Dyan for continuing that tradition by making the ham and I'm glad that my cinnamon rolls turned out.
  • Oh- and I only dyed eggs a few times when I was younger, but I really hate eggs (plain- I can handle them mixed in stuff) and so after my parents had to throw away tons of hard boiled eggs, they stuck to the plastic ones with candy that I enjoy MUCH more.
  • And, since I love egg hunts so much, I'm going to share a few of my favorite memories. One of them was when I was about 8 and it was sunny on Saturday and then it SNOWED overnight. So all of our Easter eggs were hidden under snow. My dad was so cute and saying "I think you should look over here, or in here- that seems like a good place for the Easter bunny to hide them". Years later, I actually helped my dad fill the plastic eggs- I never have been allowed to hide them for our egg hunts when I am at home. I loved filling eggs with him because I got to stay up later than my sisters and watch a movie or tv show with my dad. I have helped orchestrate 2 egg hunts during my time in Boston- the first was at my friend Janae's house where it was totally dark outside at night and we had to look in their overgrown, hilly yard. The other was last year when William and I filled the eggs and hid them in 2 rooms of my apartment where we all hid them. This was an "every person" for themselves competition and William and I both participated since I could do the room that he had done and he could do mine. The sad thing is that we never found a few of them . . . we still don't know where they ended up. I loved the eggs with the little flowers on them- unfortunately, I abandoned them in Boston due to space limitations so they are probably still in the basement if anyone wants them. Here's the basket of eggs that we hid, as well as some of the hiding locations in our front room. Such GREAT memories surround Easter!

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