Tuesday, April 1, 2008


This has been what has been occupying our free time. The Wii. How did we get one since they are still in demand? My sister Cynthia was on a new game show called "Temptation- Sale of the Century" around last summer but it took this long for her shows to air. I still haven't watched the show and Cynthia actually didn't see herself because they told her the incorrect air date. But, at least she got her prizes which included 4 round trip airline tickets anywhere in the U.S. and a Wii! Cynth actually wasn't very interested in the Wii and so she gave it to us in exchange for one of William's old laptops that he hasn't used for 3 years. It is actually quite a cute little laptop and still works pretty well and I think it was a great trade. William was showing some second thoughts about giving it up, but he gave in when the Wii came.

Here's William playing it for the first time. You create a character of yourself called the "Mii" and you can change your hairstyle, color, size, shape, facial features. Here is William making his Mii also named William

And the finished product- I think it looks pretty similar to William, especially with the afro
And here's the action shot of William playing Wii bowling.

It is actually as fun as it looks. Except for the fact that I still stink at the sports that I do in real life. I am horrible at the golf and baseball, I'm decent at tennis and bowling, but, I ROCK the Wii boxing. William and I had his friend Ben and his wife Bev come over and play with us and I'm happy to say that I have the boxing technique down. Lennox Lewis would have been proud that I won those games. However, I have unusual technique- I really use my whole body, even doing a few kickboxing kicks. But hey, it works.

But, the game occupying most of our time is Mario Galaxy. It is AWESOME- it has combined all of the different old school Mario games into a modern version with wacky gravity and 3D imaging. Sadly, it is only a one player game so we each have to take turns. Needless to say, William is way way ahead of me. He keeps saying that I have the Wii all day, yet, he still wants me to finish my dissertation. Thus I am happy to be further behind.

We'd love to have anyone over who wants to play either with the Wii or DDR. I CANNOT WAIT until the end of April when Mario Kart for the Wii comes out. That was my favorite game growing up and I'm sure that its totally awesome.

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