Sunday, June 8, 2008

Free Krispy Kreme Day

I found out on Friday by reading a newspaper article that Krispy Kreme was giving out FREE donuts all day. However, they failed to mention/advertise it in their website or store front. The only way we knew for sure was when the cashier mentioned to us. And if the free donut wasn't enough, William decided that we needed to get a full dozen. So we have been finishing off the dozen all weekend long. It has actually been a LONG time since I have had a Krispy Kreme. Dunkin Donuts reigns supreme in Massachusetts- Krispy Kreme tried to open up a few shops but they all closed. I love the original glazed fresh from the oven, I also like the old fashioned glazed and chocolate, but my FAVORITE are the glazed vanilla kreme filled ones. Yummy. I think I've had my fill for awhile now. Who knew that to beyond just getting a free one we'd end up with a dozen more. Its definitely a great sales tactic.

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