Monday, June 2, 2008

Saturday at AT&T Park

You know its going to be great day when you see a car outside your apartment complex with a Free sign on it. The dumpster diving is much more upscale in this area!
We were very "green" on Saturday in that we walked to the Mountain View Caltrain stop and then we took the train up into the city. This is the first time that I have taken the train since we moved here and we completely lucked out to get seats or else it would have been a long hour standing. The train was very convenient (unlike many other times) because it took us one block from AT&T stadium. It's sad though because our train tickets cost more than our seats :-(
And we decided for history sake to enter through the main gate- even though we had to battle these kinds of crowds.
Unfortunately, due to the crowds, the Padres managed to score 4 runs in the first 10 minutes. Bummer- we missed the most exciting part of the whole game. Both teams played HORRIBLY- the Giants were worse though. They only had 5 hits the whole game and only managed to score one run. I know that I bagged on the Sox playing last week when I saw them- true, they didn't play their best, but it was at least ENTERTAINING. This was definitely the most boring baseball game I have ever been to. Maybe it is due to our being in the nosebleeds- here's our view of the field being zoomed in on.
At least the park itself is really neat. It is situated on the water and so there are just spectacular views all around. Here's the Bay Bridge

And then you can see the water right behind the main score board
But what was the most entertaining part (what we spent 4 innings looking at) was the kiddie items. They had a mini field and batting practice- I thought these kids were more entertaining than the game
I love the one in left field who is serious about this game with his uniform on and ready to catch it- everyone else is just standing around.

This is about the size of mitt that I need to play ball
I was completely shocked by what I saw next- they have a BUILD-A-BEAR in the stadium. Yes, you can get your Giants mascot- "Lou Seal" (we laughed and laughed over that name- did anyone really think about it)- and can dress him and other characters up in different Giants apparel.
I thought that the giant coke slides were the coolest (inside the bottle)- but we didn't want to wait in line to go down them
And so picturesque with the coke bottle and the Bay Bridge in the background. It was super windy over here though (and it was still windy in our nosebleed seats)
It was "LDS Day" at the park so we were able to sit near a large group of people from our ward, which made it more entertaining to watch their kids playing around than the game. They had the most interesting assortment of food at this stadium- they have sushi, clam chowder in a bread bowl (which I got and the chowder was delicious), Caribbean food, Ghiradelli hot fudge sundaes, garlic fries, and Giants Dogs. William got a "Giants" dog and it was so pathetic- it was even smaller than what you get at 7-Eleven. We think they call it "giant" because it costs 4 times as much as a normal hot dog. They also had a station where you could get a custom designed bat made right before your eyes. All in all, we enjoyed ourselves that day just because the park was so interesting. I'll definitely stick to my Red Sox even more.

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