Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back to Boston

I will be back in Boston on Tuesday morning for a week of Sociology conferences. The first is the US/UK Medical Sociology conference for 3 days, then the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) where I will be presenting some of my research of menopause and HRT, and then the American Sociological Association (ASA) for a roundtable and some more medical sociology events. I am so happy that they are back in Boston so that I can visit one of my favorite places. After 5 years, I never got bored with it- I have to admit, that I don't miss the BITTER winters, but I do miss the city. Afterwards, my dad and sister are coming back to Boston for the last day of my conference and the next day, we are driving up to Quebec City to visit the beautiful city during its 400th anniversary. It will be a fun, but busy "business" trip. It might be awhile before I can blog again, but updates will be coming


  1. I am kind of jealous that you are heading back to Boston for a few days. I miss it. Hope you have a good time.

  2. Does your packed schedule include time for seeing Bostonians?

  3. i really need to chat with you about some of your research. i'm sure my mom would too. have fun in boston! and thanks for playing the piano for me!!
