Monday, August 25, 2008

Tagged by Brekke

Better late than never! So, my darling friend Brekke tagged me on her blog to take photos of your house "at the moment." It has taken me about a month to do this (sorry) and I do have to say that I did "doctor" one photo of our main living area showing it being clean, as we are going to be moving soon I wanted to have something to remember it for posterity.

Our bathroom

The closet and my shoes neatly organized- as you can see, we don't have much storage room so it is full to the brim
Kitchen sink- really clean since we don't cook much (thanks Google!) and have an automatic dishwasher- my one request to William that we have in our place.
Fridge- outside (not too much) and inside (not too much- primarily just our different beverages- soda for me and milk/water for William
We do not have our own laundry room- its down the hall- nor kids so no photos of them.

This is my "favorite" room- the one where I spend the majority of the time. Obviously, we live in a studio so my couch office with our laptops is the main focus of this photo.
We have a huge studio (600 sq ft) and it will be shrinking down to 500 sq feet in a week because they raised our rent here by $200 plus utilities and renters insurance for $50,000. Even if everything in our apartment burned up, we have no where near $50,000 worth of stuff. Thus, we are moving on to a different place, but a few positives are that it is even closer to Google (only 3 minute commute instead of 7 minute), right across the street from the grocery store so that we can get DVD play rentals (the RedBox knock off), it has a workout room so that I can use the elliptical, and a pool. Plus, it is still on the 1st floor so that we don't have to lug all of our stuff up and down stairs. However, we do have to move which is a pain but at least we don't have to drive a huge beast truck from UT to CA . . . just about 5 miles round trip. Much much less stress.


  1. Cher!

    We miss you!! I hope that you're doing well -- you should come visit us soon, we have finally finished putting things together...I see you're moving soon, which has to be a bummer, I feel bad for you having to lug all those boxes again.

  2. It was good to see you on Saturday! I hope your move goes well.

  3. So much luck moving!! It is a pain, but what great luck to be able to cut down on some driving - so Bostonian! I'm going through car-dependency trauma here in Austin!

  4. Hey Girly! I blog stalked you from Brooke's blog. Good to see you a couple weeks ago. I'm linking you on my blog just so you're aware.

  5. Cheryl your moving! I can't believe how long it's been since I have talked with you, how are you?
