Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Move and The New Place

Several individuals had offered to help us with our move; however, we thought that it wouldn't be so bad since we have a studio. Moving always takes longer than you anticipate and it turns out you have more stuff than you think.

We rented a truck from Budget again, and fortunately, they gave us the size we requested and not the beast like last year. I am such a wimp with very little arm strength. I did alright loading the truck, but the hardest was the coach- so heavy.

It was about 12:30 when we made it to our new place, only a few blocks down the street. William was such a trooper and needed that I needed all of my strength to be able to help get the couch in, so he graciously unloaded the rest of the stuff while I started unpacking inside. Finally, it was the couch. It took everything that I had to get it inside, but we did it. But, my strength was COMPLETELY exhausted. And we still had the mattress to do. I tried but could only make it down the ramp. William and his brilliant ideas came up with the idea that we take one of the empty larger roller suitcases and put the end of the bed in it so that I could wheel that side in while William carried the other end.

It was about 3:30 and we were already exhausted. And we still had to clean our old apartment. William is such a Saint that we gave it a complete cleaning, head to toe, cuz he thought that might not charge us a cleaning fee if it was awesome.

Just look at how spotless it is- literally just like when we moved in.

We even wiped down the baseboards .
And William spent forever on this tub- Mr. Clean could definitely see his shiny head in the reflection off the porcelain. We werie completely exhausted by the end of the day.

And in exchange for William unloading most of the truck, I completely unpacked our apartment. Unfortunately, the problem was that we had a 600sq ft apartment before, and we moved to a 500 sq ft. That means that we bought enough stuff to nearly fill our old place. We had to get fairly creative at where to put things so pretty much every inch of our new apartment is filled with stuff. Fortunately, William has incredible Tetris skills so he performed the most efficient stacking job ever. It just takes a little unpacking and then repacking to get what we need.

Here is our little place. I actually really like it- it doesn't seem very small to us, just cozy. However, when others come over it does seem a little tight.

One slightly quirky thing is that you have to pass by our bed to get through the main entrance.
Another quirky thing about our apartment is that the dishwasher is super loud, so we just have to make sure that we don't run it too late to bug the neighbors. The other problem is that we can't open up the silverware drawer fully without opening the stove first. Ah, the adventures of apartment living :-) At least it gives us great things to laugh about :-) We happily are saving money, in a sad relative to the Bay area way, but it is just perfect for two very happily married individuals.


  1. Hi, dear! Congrats on the move! I didn't see whether it was still in Mountain View, but hopefully you're still close! Maybe we could do lunch sometime soon???

  2. Cute new apartment, I'm impressed that you unpacked so fast that's the part that takes me forever.
