Wednesday, November 5, 2008

5 Things

My sweet sweet friend Nini (Caranine) tagged me to find out more about me in groups of fives

Ten years ago I...
1. Lived in Deseret Towers, U Hall, 2nd floor
2. part of Freshman Academy
3. at BYU for college
4. thought that I really like math (one calculus class that semester taught me that I really don't like theorems and the conceptual parts of math)
5. was a sociology major (yup, my declared major I actually graduated with)

Five things on today's to-do list:
2. revising a paper for publication
3. fixing meal for missionaries (I do occasionally cook- more than making sweets :-)
4. practice piano
5. work on post-doc applications

Five snacks I enjoy:
2. Gummies
3. cinnamon rolls
4. basically, most sugary sweet items
5. Chips (thought I at least should put in something non-sugar)

Five places I have lived:
1. Salt Lake City, Utah (and Provo)
2. Madrid, Spain
3. London, England
4. Boston, Massachusetts (and surrounding area)
5. Mountain View, CA (Bay area)

Five jobs I have had:
1. Babysitter
2. Research Assistant
3. Teaching Assistant
4. University Instructor
5. Statistical Analysis

Five pet peeves:
1. shopping carts left in the parking lot
2. not using a turn signal
3. mean people
4. ???
5. ???
sorry- couldn't think of any

Five things that bring me joy:
1. William
2. Family- my immediate, in-laws, and extended
3. My religious beliefs (click here for more information)
4. Friends- like those who read our blog :-)
5. having cultural adventures

And a virtual High Five for making it through these lists!

1 comment:

  1. I love your list of places lived- it's awesome! And I also went through the same thing freshman year, I thought I liked geology until I actually studied it with the most boring prof on the planet and all those rock names to memorize... I declared communications my soph year and stuck with it! :)
