Monday, November 10, 2008

"I Like to Move It Move It"

I had never seen Madagascar 1 and sadly, all of the video stores had it rented out :-( So I wasn't able to see it before we went to see Madagascar 2 on our favorite $6 Saturday morning show. William loved the first one so of course I trust his judgment- and he was right! It was hilarious- enough visual gag jokes for little kids to enjoy and then the more subtle humor for the adults. Although, going to the 11:30 am show meant that we were the only adults there without kids- but we're kids at heart so we tried not to mind the crying/whining too much :-) The theme song- "I like to move it, move it" is so catchy that I had it in my head all day and would periodically share the song with William, who now isn't such a big fan of the song anymore. And following this animal movie, what better way to continue the theme with an "animal" style cheeseburger from In and Out to satisfy our hunger.

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