Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our Weekend . . . .

was much less eventful than normal in that William had to spend most of it working :-( But at least he was able to be home :-) We were able to go out to Pluto's for linner on Saturday- it's this create your own salad place in Palo Alto, but I think that the location at Santana Row in San Jose is better. But they do have these amazing garlic curly fries (yeah, to balance out all of the healthy stuff :-) We also went on a long walk outside on Sunday because it was nearly 80 degrees! My old roomie from Boston said that they were currently having an "Indian summer" because it was 50 degrees- it totally made me laugh because I used to think the same thing when I lived there. Now I REALLY know what an Indian summer is like. The weather here is hard to beat in that it is the middle of November and I have still been wearing short sleeved shirts. It is sad though that my great coats are being neglected . . . but I will get some wear out of them in Utah over Thanksgiving and Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with ya on being sad about neglected coats. I was SO happy for my two days in New York (and it wasn't even that cold...I probably could have been okay with a jacket...but...). Enjoy them in Utah for me. :)
