Tuesday, December 16, 2008


On Saturday, William and I headed up to Sacramento to meet up with one of my dear friends from Boston, Jacosa. We had wanted to go on Friday night to hear her sing (she is INCREDIBLE) but unfortunately, William had to work late and with rush hour traffic, there was no way we could have made it. Jacosa was kind enough to meet up with us for lunch at one of her favorite places, and now one of our favorite places, Crepeville. It is a cute, charming place that makes all kinds of different crepes- savory, dessert, and even custom made. This is the dessert crepe that I got- banana nutella. I knew that this would be good even before I tasted it because of how much whipped cream that they put on the plate. Its nearly as large as the crepe! It was so tasty- and William's hawaiian crepe was really good as well. We had even better conversation with Jacosa- she is truly so amazing. She organized this entire fundraiser for the charter school she works at- complete with a charity auction and a talent show. She even performed 4 songs AND put together an amazing video slide show. We're so sad that we missed it! But we will definitely be back to visit her again and have some more yummy crepes. You know this is a good place when the mayor of Sacramento, Kevin Johnson, is there. Yup, that's Kevin Johnson the former NBA basketball player. It was pretty neat to see him there just chilling with the locals.

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