Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I had never been to Cabella's the giant outdoor sporting good store- and museum as I like to call it. We went with William's parents Christmas Eve morning to enjoy some of the wonders of the store. Here's the aquarium- I couldn't believe just how many fish were there. And even an albino catfish

They have a giant mountain with a waterfall and a pond inside of the store, with animals dotting the mountain


You definitely won't mistake William for a deer since he has these lights

I even got a big moose hug

William and his dad enjoyed trying out Cabella's Big Game Hunter video game (little did dad know that we had already bought the game for him for Christmas)

And surprisingly, they have AMAZING fudge. I know that it seems weird to buy fudge from a sporting good store but it was so good. We waited for 20 minutes to get some and the line was even longer when we left. All of the kinds that we tried were great- we particularly liked the dulce de leche. I would even put the chocolate walnut up there with the Disneyland fudge- its that good. They also have great cinnamon pecans. This is definitely not your average store.

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