Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Marianne's Ice Cream

After a fun Saturday of driving down Highway 1 and hiking, we decided to stop on our way back home at Marianne's Ice Cream in Santa Cruz. This was my first time to this legendary ice cream parlor. I even tried an ice cream flavor that I had never had before- LAVENDER. Yes, they make lavender ice cream. It had a slightly flowery taste to it- other than that, I really don't know how to describe it. It tasted ok (its hard to mess up ice cream :-) but I don't think that I could have eaten a lot of it. It was better than I had anticipated though, but I stuck with the fresh banana, since William doesn't like bananas. It was so good. I'm sure that we will be back there, but since it is in Santa Cruz, we will probably be sticking to the Cold Stone down the street from our house for most ice cream "emergencies" :-)

1 comment:

  1. I've tried lavender gelato. I wasn't thrilled either. It was something to try.
