Sunday, February 22, 2009

Aquarium By The Bay

While waiting for William's visa to India, I went to the wharf to the Aquarium by the Bay. They had a Valentine special where I was able to get in for $11. I'm glad that it was that cheap because it was neat but pretty short- it took me only about 45 minutes to go through it.
These very colorful tropical fish- definitely NOT the kind that live here in the area.

This is one of the weirdest anemoe that I've seen- it almost looks like a sea cucumber. I was also able to touch a starfish- its legs are so soft and recoil when you touch them. I was also able to touch a reef shark and a ray in their small touch pools.

The best part was their 13 foot long underwater tubes that you could walk through.

One of the staff was scuba diving to feed the sharks and big fish.

It was ok to pass some time but I would not place this upon my "must see" list of the Bay area.

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