Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Beijing in Less Than a Week!!

So, on Friday, William's boss expressed that he should go to Beijing for a training conference for the week of the 16th. William went to Beijing a few years ago with his family, but I have never been yet. Since my dissertation draft is done and I don't have a job, this is the perfect opportunity for me to check out the city. I will have 3 full days to see the sights and so I am super excited to finally go. We've bought our tickets so its final and I am headed up to SF to the embassy tomorrow to get same day visa service. My sister was just there last summer and so she gave me some suggestions on what to see and do. It looks like I will be going on two Viator day tours- one to the Great Wall of China at Badaling/Ming Tombs, and then the other day going to the Forbidden Palace/Summer Palace/Tianamen Square/and Temple of Heaven. I'm also planning on visiting the Olympic sights like the Bird's Nest, Water Cube, and the Opera House with the underwater entrance. If anyone has any other recommendations, let me know! I might skip the Beijing Zoo- I want to see the pandas (but I hear that the conditions are terribly inhumane and so I don't know if I can handle it).


  1. that is so cool! i can't wait to hear about it, have fun!

  2. Okay so the thing is if you see the pandas in the zoo you might cry because they are not treated very nice. The nice place with the pandas is far from Beijing. Your trip sounds like it will be a whirlwind of an adventure! I hope you enjoy the great wall -- I've always wanted to see that. =) Will you get to hang out with William much?

  3. oh my gosh. talk to me please. you MUST go to silk street and i'm going to send you some money to get me the things I didn't get when I was there in august. :)

    yay. i'm so excited for you.

  4. How fun! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

  5. Sounds like a lot of fun! I am so jealous!

  6. Awesome awesome! You will have such a blast. Eliza was there a decade ago - but she may have some insights as to what you should see. Take so many pics! Love, Amanda
