Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tian' an Men Square

The name Tian'an Men in Chinese means "the Gate of Heavenly Peace." I found that name to be somewhat ironic given what occurred with the student protests in 1989. It is such an iconic image that it was somewhat surreal to be standing right in front of this portrait of Mao Zedong and to then walk underneath the portrait and through the gate.

The national flag that flies on the square.

This is the Monument to the People's Heroes - with soldiers in the Chinese National Army.

Soldiers guard all along the square and most of the major monuments and even a few in the subways. All of the bags have to be screened as well as passing through metal detectors to enter the monuments.

It was a somber moment for me to walk on this ground, recognizing what it stands for the Chinese people and the rest of the world.

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