Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Coast from Carmel to Monterey

My friend Gerry who used to live in Monterey was in town from Germany for a conference and I had the pleasure of having a special guided tour from her of the area. We first hit the Giant Artichoke restaurant (which literally has a GIANT artichoke statue outside of the restaurant) where we shared a special platter of fried artichokes (my fave), artichoke bread (somewhat sweet like zucchini bread), and steamed artichoke (the heart was great but the outside leaves were oversteamed).

Gerry then showed me part of Carmel that I had missed on my first trip. She took me along the south beach area which was beautiful- the color of the water was incredible.

We briefly stopped at the old Spanish mission which had a charming courtyard.

Next, we hit the 17 Mile Drive and the Pebble Beach area. Gerry lived there for awhile so she was able to guide me through the maze of the place. I was in awe of the ginormous houses and lush greens. I couldn't believe how many golf courses there were- and some right along the ocean.

I couldn't believe that these golfers were able to play when it was SO WINDY- look at how the branches of the trees are blown in a specific direction.

I have NO IDEA why they call it "Pebble" Beach when they are HUGE stones. These definitely aren't what I would consider to be Pebbles.

We stopped by and saw the seals taking a nap and sunning on the beach

This was my favorite view of the day- the Lone Cypress Tree. It is a tree growing out of the rock and is 250 years old. It is so beautiful and amazing.

We finished off the tour with some lunch at this great waterfront restaurant along Cannery Road. I don't even remember the name of it because we had a clam chowder sample which lured us in. The chowder and bread bowl was great as well as the shrimp and artichoke dip we got. And the view was even better. Gerry and I have a long history of eating at restaurants with amazing views- like this

Many thanks to Gerry for showing me her former hometown- I'm sorry that we weren't able to visit it together while you lived here, but better late than never!

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