Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm a Doctor

I'm a Doctor . . . just not one who helps people, at least in the traditional sense :-) I like to think that I help people to better understand the society in which they live. My dissertation defense was a very emotional time for me- I was the most nervous I have ever been in my entire life. I have worked for two years straight just on this one massive document and so I had a lot vested in it. I guess I did a decent job of answering the questions from my committee because I PASSED. Woo hoo! I'm SO happy and relieved that I NEVER have to ever be in that position again. I have been very busy since then since I have been making some of the additions that they requested. I still have work to do on them over the next two weeks but I'm graduating in MAY. Hooray! We even have our plane tickets and everything. I don't think that I will be fully able to celebrate until that moment because it will really hit me that I'm done. But, its still kind of fun to say that I'm Dr. Cheryl right now.


  1. Congratulations Cheryl! That is an amazing accomplishment!

  2. Congratulations, babe! Your new moniker is gonna stick. :)

  3. Congrats Cheryl. You put alot of work into it & you deserve it.

  4. Hooray Cher-Bear!
    Love ya

  5. Wahoo Cher we are so excited for you...celebrate by letting us take you out to dinner.......in DC! *wink*

  6. I am so proud of you!!! let me know when you're in Boston for graduation, maybe I'll be there too. You're my hero. For real!!! :)

  7. Yay! Congratulations, Doctor Sister Friend Cheryl!!
