Thursday, June 25, 2009

Icing on the Cake

My friend that I visit teach, Alecia, has been raving about her favorite bakery in Los Gatos called Icing on the Cake. We finally went with our friends Alissia and her daughter Elenoa and Kathleen and her little boy Matzen. We had some yummy treats and even better company. They have the most adorable logo.

And they definitely live up to their name- I love frosting, but they were almost too generous- I say almost. Their lemon cupcake was amazing- the frosting was heavenly. I had a mint chocolate chip cupcake too and it was slightly too minty for me. I don't have any photos of the cupcakes- I couldn't wait long enough to eat them. But the real superstar that cmopletely won me over was the Peanut Butter Caramello. It is a brown sugar shortbeard cookie base covered in a layer of caramel, then peanut butter, and then homemade marshmallow and all covered in chocolate. It is hea-ven. Just look at all that delicious goodness.

And if you thought it can't get any sweeter, take a look at this photo.

We ate our cupcakes in the park and it was so sweet that they gave each other a hug. I tried to capture the moment, but they ended up looking at me like "why are you pointing this camera at me?" Thanks for introducing me Alecia to such a sweet shop!!

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