Monday, July 27, 2009

Capitola Beach

Last Thursday, I went with some friends out to Capitola beach about 45 minutes away from where we live. We got there at about 10 am to the beach completely engulfed in fog and it was cold and windy. But, the beach was packed with kids ranging from about 6 years to teenagers there for junior lifeguard training. The kids had to run up and down along beach

As well as swimming in the water. I was so impressed by their dedication since the water was so cold in addition to the wind.

My little friend Nora loved being in the center of the action- not moving an inch while the kids were running all around her.

She also loved playing in the sand and riding in her dump truck

Happily, the fog burned off and the sun came out after about an hour of us being there so we were able to have some fun in the sun. Capitola is a cute coastal town with brightly colored buildings and cafes lining the beach

As well as a sailboats near the pier. The waves were pretty good- the water was a bit too cold for my taste so I only went wading

I am definitely going to visit the beach- and this town again since it is so charming

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