Monday, July 20, 2009

Ice Age 3 in 3D

We went and saw Ice Age 3 in 3D while we were in Utah with William's parents. William took me to see Ice Age 2 on our 5th date in Boston so we definitely love the series. And I enjoyed the 3rd one even more since he could hold my hand now (he didn't in the 2nd film since we had just started dating- yet I wanted him to the whole movie). Many times, the sequels are not as good as the originals but I have to say that they have done an excellent job with the sequels. It is funny and clever, as well as touching story about what it means to be a family. My mother-in-law thought that the 3D was better in this movie than in UP since it made some more explicit use of the 3D such as making some of the animals jump out. We definitely love the 3D and are glad that many more movies are utilizing it.

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