Monday, July 13, 2009

Our Nephew

We were able to spend some time with our nephew Charles (aka Chuckie) at the Kunz family reunion. He enjoyed the fries at Maddox (I have never been here to this apparent Utah institution but enjoyed their special fried chicken and rolls with raspberry butter and we got there at the right time- no one was there when we went in but when we left, the lobby was PACKED at 1 pm)

Charles really likes to play with keys- I'm just impressed that his parents trust him enough with theirs- and their cell phone.

Uncle William introduced Charles to the joys of wading in the Snake River

Charles LOVE the dinner cruise that we took- I love the smile on his face with his dad Chris and wandering around the boat playing with the other kids and sporting a hat

Charles loves his Grandpa Dennis

But my FAVORITE part was playing peek-a-boo with Charles out the window of the boat- he just thought that it was so hilarious. He loved it when we would touch hands like the fall of Adam or ET.

And in a few months, he will have a little brother for us to play with as well :-)

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