Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mountain View Art and Wine Festival

Following the Ghiradelli Chocolate Festival, we headed back to our home city of Mountain View for their annual Art and Wine Festival. This is seriously one of the best street fairs we have ever been to because of the HUGE number of vendors. We spent about an hour and a half walking around and we missed some of the booths during closing that's just how many there were. They have so many vendors that they have several repeats of each genre. So many jewelry, pottery, clothing, soaps (we could not believe how popular the glycerine soaps have become), paintings, and photography- to name just a few. We were particularly drawn to the landscape photography and there was one photographer in particular that really stood out to me- Stephen W. Oachs. His landscapes are so unbelievably beautiful and I love that he places tips on his site, as well as what kinds of cameras and lenses he uses. So I realized that the quality of his photos is so high in part because he has an $8,000 camera body. I really want to learn how to take great photos- or at least better ones than I am taking now. William is going to be teaching me about it since I don't really have any technical knowledge about shutter speeds, aperture, and other things. We didn't buy anything but it at least inspired me to find out more about photography so that at least my blog photos will look better!

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