Thursday, October 1, 2009

Honeydew Melon Sorbet

Our sweet next door neighbors gave us another food item- this time a honeydew melon. I don't know how I would eat a whole thing myself (William doesn't like it) so I searched around on the trusty internet and found an Emeril recipe and BAM decided to try it. I also found another good review about it from another blogger and so that was enough for me to try it.

It is so simple but SO good. I was afraid that I needed to strain the melon (I tasted the puree and it was very grainy) but David Leibowitz recommended that he didn't strain on his blood orange sorbet so I decided to trust the man who wrote The Perfect Scoop. And he was right! You couldn't even tell it was grainy. And this Emeril recipe is very forgiving- I only put in 2 tbsp of lemon juice (all that I had) and I had more honeydew melon puree (a little under 5 cups) and it still tasted AMAZING. I'm definitely going to be making more sorbets as they are so easy and a great way to use up lots of fruits.


  1. That sounds so good, I love honeydew and I love sorbet. I did a coconut ice cream that I found on a website by the guy that wrote the perfect scoop, it was amazing, he is awesome. I love homemade ice creams. I will have to give sorbet a try.
    And by the way, thank you. I am excited, you are so sweet. I am sure that finishing your doctorate was the exact same feeling; just a little surreal.

  2. I love sorbet Cheryl! I'll have to try this. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog. Yes, it took a lot of courage since I have pretty well kept it just between my family and me. I don't want people to think I am crazy! How do you get claustrophobic in a chapel??

    I hope all is well with you! You are a sweetheart!
