Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sutro Baths and Coastline

My husband William is such a TROOPER- he really is the best. He never complains when I drag him about on random adventures- even when those adventures have less than ideal conditions. Two Saturdays ago was one of those situations. The weather had said that it would be about 60 degrees but they failed to mention that the wind would be OUT OF CONTROL. Just look at William- he was really leaning into the wind and it was supporting him (or blowing him backwards).

We walked down near the Sutro Baths, near the Cliff House and we were shocked that anyone would want to bathe here with just how cold and windy it was. That's probably why the baths aren't there any more.

The beach area was quite spectacular with the waves crashing against the rugged rocks.

There was the cave off to the side of the baths that was neat- although it was even worse since it was like a wind tunnel

with a great view from the other side.

It was a great unexpected find- minus the gusting winds.

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