Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birthday Celebration with "OVO"

It was William's birthday this past Saturday and we managed to make it great despite of his busy schedule. William had a rough week at work, staying up until 3:30 every night (including Friday night) getting a big project and presentation done. I was able to tear him away from work for several hours that day to go to the new touring Cirque Du Soleil show in San Jose "OVO." The story was centered around an egg. Yes, an egg. It never hatched so we have no idea what was inside. The characters were all dressed up like insects- my favorite were the grasshoppers who had these bent legs that moved behind them. They also had a spider, lady bug, dragon fly, and many more insects that we couldn't identify. The show featured several contortionists, a yo-yo juggler (one of those big spools you can spin on threads), and aerial acrobatics. Our favorites were the kiwi ball feet spinning by several women, who would exchange kiwis while spinning and then also they would exchange PEOPLE on their feet while those individuals were still spinning the kiwis. Unbelievable. I also liked the tight rope walker who managed to ride a bike with his hands across a bent wire. But, the BEST number was the finale where they had several guys jumping around the stage on trampolines and interacting with the climbing wall behind them. Some of them got enough height to go from the top of the wall to the tramp and back to STANDING position. Incredible. There were also several times were 3 of them would be circulating on each trampoline, narrowly missing each other. We don't want to know how many collisions happened before they were in sync. We have both now seen several Cirque shows and what continues to amaze us is how they keep re-inventing tricks and performing them in a new way so that it is even more unbelievable at how people could do this. All in all, it was a good show.

We then went to PF Chang's for dinner and had their price fix dinner-for-two menu (which we highly recommend). William was the recipient of several gifts this year, including a special one of a Playstation 3. He is so good and never wants very much and I was so happy that I was able to surprise him with it (especially considering he gets text alerts of "big" purchases- it fortunately came on the day of his b-day so it didn't ruin the surprise :-). Our families were also so generous to him, giving him several video games and spending money. I hope you had a fabulous birthday William because YOU totally DESERVE it!!

1 comment:

  1. Ok Cheryl, I'm putting you in charge of planning my next birthday ok? What a lucky guy, that sounds like a fantastic celebration!
