Sunday, June 13, 2010


My life tends to go through phases of "feast"- where everything happens- or "famine," where nothing happens. The past month has been one of the "feast" periods as evidenced by my lack of posting. What a shift this has been since last summer and fall when I had NOTHING going on. For the past 4 weeks, I have been juggling 3 jobs: the research job I started back in November for which the final report was submitted this week, my teaching intro to sociology at Santa Clara University for which I turned in my final grades on Friday, and then starting my new research position at Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF). How my schedule worked was I would teach M,W,F and then hold office hours and then head straight to PAMF where I would work for 5 hours, come home and plan my lessons/grade and finish up my writing the report. Tuesday and Thursday I would work all day at PAMF and then come home and do lessons or writing. This left me with little time to do other things and so I apologize for neglecting the blog as well as commenting on other blogs. But, this week should be better since I am down to just 1, 30 hour per week job at PAMF. My sister Sarah is coming on Tuesday and leaving early on Thurs. morning and we will be doing some fun adventures around the city. We were *supposed* to go and see Bono and the rest of U2 on Wednesday night, but the poor man had major back surgery and had to cancel most of the North American tour. While I am sad about the postponement, I am so happy that I made the effort to go and see them in Las Vegas because it truly was such an unforgettable show. I will also elaborate on what else happened over the past month. Good to be back!

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