Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend with Friends

William and I were so lucky to be able to spend several days at the home of my dear friends Lianne and Adam. They have a HUGE and BEAUTIFUL home and were such gracious hosts. Lianne made the most incredible pulled pork for Sunday dinner (you should put the recipe up on your blog) and Adam put on a little fireworks show for us. Sunday the 4th was pretty low key as we recuperated from our overnight red eye flight followed by all day at Universal. Hooray for Sunday naps to rejuvenate. We played Candy Land with Clara and Ian (Ian won twice!) but Clara had much more fun making up her own game of guessing which card was the special characters. We also were introduced to the adorable world of Veggie Tales- "That hurt like the Dickens" as well as both Clara and Ian dancing for us to the music on their electronic piano. We watched fireworks from the screened in porch of their house- I miraculously only got 1 bug bite the whole time we were there (a miracle for me) as many of their neighbors presented incredible displays over the lake behind their house. We also watched the firework show on tv from Boston, bringing back all of the wonderful memories that I had over the several years I was there, making me nostalgic at going back. (Though I still do want to experience the 4th in DC someday).

Tuesday was another low key day spent by sleeping in and going to Chik-fil-a (our nearest one is in Fairfield an hour and a half away). Later that evening, while waiting at the Orlando airport, we saw that they had another Chik-fil-a and so of course we had to go there again for dinner as it is just that good. On our layover in Atlanta, they had another Chik-fil-a (welcome to the South!) and I told William that Chik-fil-a twice in one day was good, but 3 times is a gross out and that I just couldn't do it, but he could if he wanted to (he didn't :-)

It was so great to be able to have so much time to just talk and catch up with these dear friends of mine, as well as to be able to watch So You Think You Can Dance with Lianne and analyze it with her (p.s. we are DEVASTATED about Alex getting hurt and being out of the competition- he truly is the best dancer I have ever seen on the show :-( Thanks for the memories and for being such amazing hosts- including Lianne picking us up at 5:15 am!! Now that is a true friend :-)


  1. We loved, loved, loved having you two come! It was really nice to get to know William better and spend time with you guys. What fun memories! I may need a copy of your blog posts to add to my memory books I make of my blog~ you captured some of the best parts of the trip! Love you Cher!

  2. As a fellow SYTYCD fan can I just say I think Nigel is trying to manipulate the vote? Why else would he and Mia emphasize how hard a worker Robert is? The judges have been way too harsh this season and the negativity is bringing the whole show down. Also, I miss the old stage. Phew! Glad I got that off my chest.

    You really need to be a travel agent or tour guide or something... I love reading your posts!
