Monday, February 21, 2011

Valentine's and William's Birthday 2011

For the past two weeks, we have been fairly low key (well, at least compared to our normal routine :-) as William was first sick the weekend before Valentines. He managed to get better enough to take me out to dinner on Valentine's to Black Angus where we were able to use a coupon to get an elaborate 4 course meal for $40. Of course it was packed and we had to wait 15 mins even with a reservation but it was worth it. William was also such a sweetheart and bought me these beautiful orchids- they are still super beautiful over a week later.

Unfortunately, I also caught William's cold and so I was sick all of the rest of last week- I still managed to go to work but wasn't motivated to do anything else (aka prep for my class and blog). But, I managed to recover by the weekend so that we were able to celebrate William's birthday over 3 days :-) On Friday night, we went to dinner with my friend from work, Jamie and her boyfriend Norm, to P.F. Chang's to celebrate. William was thrilled that they did not sing to him- and that he got red velvet cake :-)
The adorable birthday boy

Many thanks to Jamie for taking the photo for us :-)

Saturday was POURING rain but we managed to venture over to Shabuway for one of his favorite meals- shabu shabu, bringing back memories from Japan. We enjoyed it despite the fact that the restaurant still had their AC on- I wore my coat the whole time.

Sunday, William's actual birthday, was busy with me teaching about "Sacrifice" to the Relief Society and William doing his calling as treasurer for Lehi Park. Today, we relaxed and spent the day reading, running errands, and my sister Sarah treated us to Subway Philly Cheesesteaks per William's birthday request. Now that we have recovered from our colds, I should be back to a more regular blogging schedule :-)

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