Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jane's Tricks

It is so much fun for mama to be able to watch this baby girl progress. I feel myself tearing up sometimes with pride at how lucky I am to have this sweet angel and that I can spend a large part of the day with her.

We'll start with some of her basic skills and work on up.

Sticking my tongue out like a lizard
Daddy is already very excited to think that we might have a little adrenaline junkie (like he is)
Wee! "Put your hands up girls" is a phrase that I used to tell my sisters all the time, especially in the car in the circile going from I-215 south to Provo on I-15

"I can fly, I can fly, I can fly!"We can't wait to take her on Peter Pan at Disneyland.

Over a week ago, she started to grab some plastic rings that hang down from her car seat
(Please excuse the Thanksgiving bib- Jane is such a drooler that we have to use any spare one)

Playing with Mr. Elephant, the first separate toy that she was able to grab (btw- Auntie Brekke actually MADE this adorable creature. I seriously know such talented people!)
Playing with Sophie the Giraffe- another one of her favorite toys. She will actually lean backwards when she plays with it so that she can see the whole thing
Tummy Time progress- Jane has gotten better with it. She usually doesn't cry for the first little while. In fact, sometimes when she is crying and we then put her down for tummy time, she ironically stops crying for awhile. With a little assistance from boppy

And starting to push herself up - still need to keep practicing it and working up that strength

Excited for what trick she will learn next! (And it's obviously that we are first time parents by how excited we are about these small things :-)

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