Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kunz-Freeman 4 Month Update

A few Saturdays ago, we got together with Ben, Beverly, and Natalie Freeman to catch up on how our little girls were doing at about 4 months.
Even though they were born only a few weeks apart, there are a few obvious differences between them. Natalie has SO much hair that it can already be put into pig tails! Where as headbands are about as covered as Jane's head gets ;-)
Natalie also does amazing at tummy time, pushing herself so far up
Jane has some more growing to do
Natalie also blows amazing raspberries
while Jane prefers to chew on her fists
But, despite these differences, Natalie and Jane particularly had fun together- they loved to smile and "talk" to each other.
This is definitely the beginnings of a beautiful friendship :-)

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