Friday, October 19, 2007

The Power of Redheads

Let's give it up for the REDHEADS! We truly are fabulous- and FINALLY have some recognition for it. At the Priesthood session of this most recent general conference (Oct 2007), Pres. Thomas S. Monson publicly announced just how much he loved redheads. However, this did not make it into his text talk, but you can see it/hear it on the ASL quicktime video version. It is about 15 minutes into his talk.

He said telling what he said to a little boy with flaming red hair- "I know that boys with red hair can accomplish anything" and then said that when he was a mission president, he liked having a red head in each district because they were the "pacesetters".

Oh, and it doesn't end there. Then Pres. Hinckley gets up at the very beginning of his talk(this is also not in his written talk- but you too can see it on the ASL quicktime version of his priesthood session talk) and says, "Brother Monson, I'm waiting for you to dye your hair". HILARIOUS!!! Some of the best stuff happens at Priesthood session and I'm glad that William told me about it so that I could find it. I'm kind of sad its not in the written talks but happy that I still have proof of it.

So there you have it. A shout out to redheads in general conference.

Let me be honest up front here and tell you that I haven't always been a redhead. Up until I was about 7, I had blonde hair. This photo is of my one and only experience as a model. This photo was blown up and placed as the display for Kiddie Kandids in 1985.

And that has been the extent of my modeling- maybe because I became a redhead?!? No, I really feel that it is because I went through the funky, awkward years where I lived the 80's well into the 90's. I have to admit, I wasn't initially so excited at the prospect of being a redhead. I would say that my hair color was "strawberry BLONDE" because it had "blonde" in it so I still thought I was. I came to the difficult realization that I was a red head at a lip sync at the Girl Scout Camp Cloud Rim. Our group was doing a lip sync to "Under the Sea" and I wanted to be Sebastian since he actually sang most of the song. However, the rest of the girls told me that I had to be Ariel because I had red hair. That's when I realized that I am a redhead. Looking back on it, that should have been the coolest thing in the world to have been Ariel- I mean, look how gorgeous she is! And she is the central character.
And I really loved it in high school with two of my best friends, Brekke and Lauren, who also have red hair. We called ourselves "The Triplet Sisters" not only because of the red hair, but because we also unintentionally dressed alike. Not having planned it, we would show up to school wearing identical outfits like a denim vest, white shirt, and khaki shorts. And we were similar in personality as well. The Triplet Sisters were together again for my wedding. And Baby Audrey was wearing a red dress so she makes it in the picture. She doesn't have hair yet, but we know its going to be red like her mamma's

Here are just a few of the FABULOUS redheads throughout time.

Anne of Green Gables- I have always had a special affinity for Anne since Lucy Maud Montgomery is my Great Aunt.

Ron Weasley- The funniest- and my personal favorite- of the Potter gang
Julia Roberts-there have been so many movies that I love of hers- Notting Hill, Runaway Bride, Ocean's Series
My new sister in law- Bekky Kunz

And we will still include those who "moonlight" as red heads too- since they know that being a red head is just the best and that we have the most fun. This includes my old next door roomie Natalie Williams who truly looks FAB-U-LOUS as a redhead!
But, I must say that red headed couples are the cutest. From the days when I used to play with Raggedy Ann and Andy

Little did I know that I would have the most HANDSOME red head of all as my husband-

who is a pacesetter that can truly accomplish anything!


  1. I LOVE this post about redheads! Glad I made the cut--I wanted to be just like you and William!

    I can't wait to see what gorgeous lil redhead kids you two have...

  2. Uuuffff con lo que yo amo la CARNE ROJA. ..Y una PELIRROJA cuando es sexy, es muy muy sexy
