I never really was a fan of baseball . . . . until I moved to Boston. There, I became a convert to the greatest team of all time- the Boston Red Sox. There is such an energy and a loyal fan base that has been in place ever since its existence. EVERYONE knows about the latest happenings with the Sox- old ladies on the street even. And the best was when I flew into Boston and they announced the score of the game upon landing. Welcome to Boston! Some of the greatest players in history have played for them- Babe Ruth even played for the Sox, before going to the "dark side" (aka NY Yankees). My love affair with the Red Sox began in 2002, 2 years before the "Curse was Reversed" when after a losing streak of 86 years, the Red Sox WON the 2004 World Series. And I was there for that momentous occasion. But, as exciting as winning the Series was, it was NOTHING compared to the series right before that with the Yankees. Boston was down 3 games to 1 to the Yankees which is the biggest rivalry in sports history. Just when you thought that things were over, the Sox come back and win 3 straight to beat the Yankees and head into the World Series. I have never seen such joy and celebration in my life! That truly was a much bigger deal than winning the series was that comeback.
I have seen several games out at Fenway Park and even had the AMAZING honor and privilege of singing the National Anthem before one of the games. To be down on the field of the best ball park in America with the most loyal fans of all time is truly incredible. And my parents actually were there to hear me sing back in June of 2005. I have also been on the Fenway Park Tour 3 times- once with my friend Marie Ludwig and twice this past summer with both my in-laws and my dad. Here are a few photos of the ball park from all of the visits.
Marie and I in front of a nostalgic Fenway Park sign inside the Park
View of Fenway from the Press Box
Probably the most famous and desired seats in baseball on the "Green Monster"
View of the field with the beautiful Boston skyline in the background
My dad, in baseball heaven, on the Fenway Park TourMe with my in-laws Dennis and Lynne as we took the tour after William's graduation (William is taking the picture because he was dragged along on the tour. He does not like sports- and even living in Boston didn't convert him, sadly)
I have no desire to go to any baseball games out here- unless they are playing the Sox.And I have to say that my love of the Red Sox has remained just as strong as when I left Boston. Unfortunately, we do not receive any form of television so I do all of my following online. The Red Sox were down, yet again, 3 games to 1 losing to the Cleveland Indians, when they have come back now forcing a Game 7 to be played tomorrow night. GO SOX!!!!
wow, cheryl. pretty much, right now you're jonathan's favorite of all my friends. i think you just summed up what he's been trying to communicate to me since we've been married. and if they win the world series and you want to come back for the festivities, be it known that you can always stay with us. :)