Friday, November 9, 2007
I give it a BEE +
William and I went and saw The Bee Movie made by Jerry Seinfeld and I really liked it. The story was quite clever and took a direction that I had not anticipated. The story picked up speed and humor as it went along. I quite enjoyed myself.
William thought that it was fun, but rather was a movie that he would have rather seen on video. He thought that the main character development was better in Ratatouille over Bee Movie, so that is the main rationale behind his decision. I liked Ratatouille, but I personally favored Bee Movie over it. So it might have to do with sense of humor styles. I love shows like Blades of Glory, Billy Madison, Dodge Ball, Zoolander, but William doesn't like them at all.
There you have the viewpoints of both Cheryl and William. Hopefully, this will help you to BEE more prepared to see the film
I'm so glad you have movie reviews. It's very helpful to those of us who no longer frequent the theater. I've been waiting to hear about this one.