Friday, November 9, 2007

NOT a Game for One Couple

The other evening, I was in the mood to play a board game- not just any board game, but Cranium. This is such a fun game to play with a group of people because you answer all types of questions from trivia, to spelling/words, to charades/humming, and then art with claydo/drawing. I thought that it wouldn't be too different playing it with just the two of us . . . WRONG. We found out that we only two people- and of course each one of us was our own team in the spirit of true competition, you can't do the charades part nor the claydo/drawing because you need someone else to be able to guess. We could do the other two categories so we just substituted one for each of the other two (eg. if landed on charade, you take a trivia one instead).
And it is a good thing that we weren't able to play with the claydo because the claydo had turned NASTY. It somehow became all crystallized and crumbly- we'll need to replace it before playing it with anyone else. But, even with just two categories, we were still able to have a good game.

Except for the fact that I kept getting the WORD questions. These are HORRIBLE. They totally remind me of the verbal section on the GRE where they give you a word that no one has ever heard of before and ask you to choose the definition. The same is with this. But, they have other types of word questions that are just as hard. Like hangman with very few letters and a vague clue and you can't "guess" letters as you go along. Needless to say, since I kept getting this section, I was WAY behind and yes, William won.

I was quite proud though that I got a trivia question about "What artist was never famous during their lifetime?" and it was my favorite artist Van Gogh. Its so lucky that I got that question because William had no idea who it was and so it would have been a waste.

Thus, I still enjoy the game Cranium but feel that to be enjoyed to its full capacity and doing the fun charade, drawing, claydo stuff, it needs to be played with more than just 1 sole couple. Thanks William for being a good sport and humoring me on our try!

1 comment:

  1. Matt has dedicated himself to finding games that just the two of us can play. Let me recommend some for your christmas lists: Guillotine, Lost Cities, Sequence and I think you can play Miles Bournes with two people. I like Lost Cites because I win more often. :)
