We then went and had lunch at Oregano's and I only got a slice of pizza in order that I might fully indulge and enjoy the best thing on their menu . . . the PIZOOKIE! I have written about this before and I will definitely rave about it again. They have THE BEST of all time. It is a half baked cookie with ice cream and it truly is to die for. I got half chocolate chip, half macadamia nut and it had plenty of ice cream to go with it. Here it is, in all its glory.
But, just as good as the pizookie was the company. Megan's friend Riley was also in town visiting and the 4 of us had such a great time. It was amazing conversation- deep, slightly intellectual, yet fun at the same time. We spent several hours at the restaurant, that's how much we enjoyed ourselves.
The rest of our time was spent playing Mexican Train Dominoes, which I learned that I am NOT good at all. I came in DEAD LAST- well behind everyone else. Good thing that's not my career.
THANK-YOU so much ladies for such an AMAZING time! I am SO HAPPY to have you both as friends and you definitely need to come out to San Francisco so we can have some more laughter, food, and fun adventures!!
THANK-YOU so much ladies for such an AMAZING time! I am SO HAPPY to have you both as friends and you definitely need to come out to San Francisco so we can have some more laughter, food, and fun adventures!!
Jamie's in Phoenix now? Tell her hi for me (we knew each other in Boston and at BYU).