Sunday, May 18, 2008

Anniversary Weekend

We needed to stay in SF this weekend since William has a huge project going on at work, but we were able to do several fun things to celebrate our first anniversary.

Fri Night: William LOVES McDonald's chicken nuggets and so we went and got him a 20 piece nugget with sweet and sour sauce that he loved. I got fries, a sundae with no toppings (just a cup with vanilla soft serve but that is how you have to order it), and a diet coke. I'm not a huge fan of McDonald's but this was part of my gift to William :-) Rented "Elizabeth: The Golden Age" from the DVD Play (the Red Box knock-off that is closest to us) which was HORRIBLE. I LOVE British history and was excited to see the movie- but it was just lame. They tried to make it way too artsy and even the war scenes were boring. Don't waste your time with this one. Instead, watch the "Elizabeth" section from Simon Schaama's "A History of Britain" and it will bring your excitement level back.

Saturday: Went to the morning showing of "Chronicles of Narnia- Prince Caspian" at our new favorite theater with the $6 showings. We were disappointed with the film overall- it was still good, but not nearly as good as the first one. They had a ton of fighting scenes, which were fairly violent so I wouldn't take a young child to see it. But the saddest part is that there was zero character development which is what we thought made the first one so compelling. We then went to In-n-out Burger for lunch (I LOVE their animal style cheeseburgers. William thought that "animal style" meant no bun- just the meat hehehehe. I explained that it was grilled onions and he finally believed me when our order came and mine had the bun- and the grilled onions). All day it was SCORCHING hot- nearly 100 degrees down by the movie theater and a little less near our apartment. Then, we went to downtown San Francisco out to the wharf where it was FREEZING. It was probably 60 degrees with a super cold wind, but of course we went and each got Ghiradelli Ice Cream Sundaes. Here they are in all of their glory
And here I am going to enjoy their new peanut butter squares- I think of them as a deluxe peanut butter cup
William digging in with both spoons. He got the peanut butter one and it was way too peanut buttery to me- it seriously was like taking peanut butter from the jar and putting it in your mouth

I much preferred my butterscotch and chocolate sauce sundae- the best of both worlds with the creamy caramel and the famous chocolate sauce. I then bought William a bag of the peanut butter squares as a gift for our anniversary.

We then went to the a performance of the San Francisco Symphony during their Bach Festival. The first piece "Variations on a Theme By Haydn" was good, but the second piece was forgettable. You know that it isn't going to be good when before the piece, the conductor stands up and says that they are happy to do a Bach festival because they normally do not play a piece like this. He then said that when we hit the piccolo solo its the "home stretch". I feel that William described "Serenade No. 2" best as "soporific" and I think that sums it up perfectly. Something that I think is funny during the breaks between pieces is that everyone coughs very loudly. I'm not sure that all of them really "have to" but I guess that they feel that they should do it now for "insurance purposes" in case they might cough while the performance is going on.

However, the last piece of the concert COMPLETELY redeemed the previous piece- it truly was one of the BEST pieces that I have EVER heard and it was so well executed by the musicians. It was Bach's Piano Concerto No. 1 and they had guest pianist Yefim Bronfman whose hands literally flew across the keys- along with some head banging- as he was truly into the emotion of the piece. I love going to the symphony because it is a totally different experience than listening to it on cd because you can feel the emotion from the musicians, as well as the different dynamics. I would have been happy going and just seeing that piece it was so good. I immediately gave him a standing ovation and he actually took 3 more bows. And William was a good sport about me telling him how much I loved it all on the car ride back home.

William also got me the perfect gift. I had been wanting to go to a baseball game at AT&T Park with our church but I had missed the deadline to request tickets. I was extremely disappointed, so much so that I was looking into buying more expensive tickets on our own. However, my sweet husband managed to get us two tickets to the game on the 31st! I cannot even begin to admit just how overjoyed I was by this gift- it truly meant the world to me for him to go to such lengths to get the tickets.

Our actual anniversary was on Monday the 19th and we had a fun time celebrating it all weekend- and there is more celebration to come

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