Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pool Party

With the hot mid 80 degree weather we have been having, a few of us decided that it was time for a pool party. Dyan was a gracious hostess and several of us went over and enjoyed her PERFECT temperature pool. Not too hot, not too cold- just right for swimming. And we had the pool all to ourselves- except at the end when a guy came to swim laps. The kids truly were the highlight of the experience, especially with their adorable suits and float toys.

This is our little model sunbather. I love her hat that perfectly matches her suit- now we just have to work on the drool part and she will soon be getting offers!
Nora actually wasn't a huge fan of the pool- she was in there with her mom for only about 5 minutes. She preferred to entertain herself poolside with her binkie. I love her peering at me through the center.
Tori is another fashion diva- look at those great shades, hat, and swimsuit
And she loved the water- I think it is because she has such a cool float toy- it even has a sunshade! And Target is the place to get cool, cheap pool toys
Jack was sporting the cool surfer dude outfit- complete with stretch shirt and flowered shorts
And I already know that he is going to be a huge gummy bear fan by trying to sneak his mom's. Just a few more years kid

Leah is the FISH or more appropriately MERMAID of the group. I have never seen a 14 month old who LOVED to swim as much as her. She had her mom hold her in the swimming position where she would kick her legs and swing her arms in the swimming motion. And her splashing wasn't a problem since she had her goggles. It was funny because her mom would try to just hold her normally and Leah would insist that she move back to that position. I think Leah would rather swim than walk since it it more efficient. A
The few times that she actually was in her turtle float toy, she insisted that she be put in the back so that she could splash around
My little friend is seriously the cutest ev-er. So, his mom got him this new one-piece swimsuit with a life vest attached. The pants were so tight on him that it looked like a speedo. Yet, the vest itself was a little too big for him, as he was trying to peek out of it and is kind of wary of it
He played around in it for awhile but it will definitely be perfect when he is older.

Instead, he had a better time with just a regular suit. And Leah's shades matched perfectly and she let him borrow them. Even Tyler knows that he looks so cool that he gave me the thumbs up sign and the biggest smile you have ever seen.
And just look at him being all cool floating along in the turtle-
However, Tyler's true love of the pool is SPLASHING. As you can see from the photo, he created many big waves that required his mom to close her eyes or divert her head. I think that she needs some goggles too so she can see through all of the water.
Nothing works up an appetite like swimming and so we had some yummy snacks of chips and salsa, FRESH watermelon and strawberries, and gummy bears since Maren and I have an intense love of them.

All in all, it was a SUPER fun pool party that we need to do again soon, especially since temps are hitting the 90s!


  1. We are coming into town on the 21st of this month and will be there until the 24th. I will check with Clint on the number, hopefully he still has it! If not, we will talk via blog. Love to see you if we can.

  2. Pool partings! Pool parties! Agh, I'm so envious!!! This week's forecast in Boston is rainy - windy - and "cool". Bah!
