Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 20: A Hobby of Yours

Stemming off the travel post, I would say that my hobby is having "cultural adventures." This is a broadly defined group of activities from visiting museums, ballets, symphonies, Broadway shows, and sporting events. As evidenced by my talent post, I really do not have any artistic or physical abilities but I do a great job of APPRECIATING all of these events. I have LOVED being here in the Bay Area that has lots of fabulous museums and exhibits, ballets, and shows but I admit that my sporting event attendance has not been as strong as in Boston. I have been to several Red Sox games when they have played the Oakland A's and one Giants game- that's it. I don't know why I just have no real affinity for the teams here as I will forever be a Red Sox and Celtics fan. William doesn't care for sporting events so let me know if you are going and I will tag along! My cultural adventures have been a little weak over the past couple of weeks since I began my additional job teaching class but I hope to remedy that soon :-)

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