Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 21: A Recipe

I would definitely say that I am more of a "semi-homemade" kind of dessert maker. I think that many of those recipes taste the best but are of minimal effort when you are in a hurry. Since I have already shared my most requested recipe of homemade oreos (apparently our old 12-13 yr old Sunday School class STILL talks about them to their new teachers) I'll share some other ones that I am going to try in the future. They are from the same website- Get off Your Butt and Bake- and they look/sound amazing- I just need to make them. They are for Pretzel Bites (go semi-homemade!) and this no-bake cheesecake (using ingredients I had never though to use).

I promise that I will make them and give a report on my thoughts!!

I also want to give a huge THANK-YOU to my friend Maren who assembled an AMAZING cookbook of recipes from Mother's Group- I truly appreciate all of your hard work in making this lasting treasure of wonderful memories and food!

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