Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas 2010

We are so lucky to be able to celebrate Christmas with BOTH our families. Christmas morning was spent with William's family and then we headed over to my parents in the afternoon. My dad works on Christmas morning and so we open our presents in the evening. We went and saw Tangled as a family (mine and William's second time- SUCH a great show) and then opened gifts. My mom still videos the entire event and has us say some of the major events that happened this year. Well, I said that it was a busy year for me working three jobs to which William chimed in so that we could live in our luxurious 500 square foot apartment :-)

It should be no surprise to anyone the main gifts we received from our families were all FOOD related. Even with sharing our candy with both families, we are still enjoying it and will probably be for the next several weeks. Our other gifts included the Chick-fil-a calendar that has a coupon for a free item once a month (as pictured with us below), Chick-fil-a gift card, gift card to Texas Roadhouse, and AMC movie gift cards

Truly, while we do love all of the food, the best gift we received was being able to spend time with our families.

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