Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Christmas Eve 2010

We spent Christmas Eve with the Kunz Family- we missed you Corey and Bekky!! But we were fortunately able to talk with them via Skype- and we are excited for our new nephew to make an appearance in the next little while.

My mother-in-law made an amazing turkey dinner with all the fixings. And of course, we had the "Brains vs. Brawn" battle as well as the cross bow so it was definitely a successful Christmas. And Santa was EXTREMELY generous with everyone- especially William. He got 6 new video games :-)

And this is just "some" of the candy that we received

My father-in-law, Chris, and Karen enjoying their gifts

While the cross bow was his ultimate favorite, Charlie also LOVED the trucks that he got.

And he was just too cute when he was playing with them, as seen by this video

Stanley was mainly fascinated by Hershey Kisses Candy Canes.

Many thanks to my sweet mother-in-law for helping to make us have a perfect Christmas. We are so lucky to have someone so thoughtful and giving.

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