One of the favorite new trends is having sea salt combinations with the chocolates and caramels.
We also LOVED the Dove Chocolate Discoveries. They sell kits or sponsor parties where you can make your own truffles. The chocolate for this was SO different and even better than the kind you get in the store.
The only chocolate that we bought to take home was the Divine brand White Chocolate Bar with Strawberries. It is SO GOOD. They only had a few bars and its a good thing we went early in the day and didn't wait until later to buy it. We went back later after we had bought it and they were all sold out.
I thought that it wasn't possible to max out on chocolate, but we did. By the end of the salon, our taste buds were maxed out from so many different flavors. But it was well worth it. And I was able to eat some more chocolate later on that night :-)
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